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Zion is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, which was founded in 1847 originally made up from the Saxon emigration of1839 to Missouri.  Our own beginnings go back to 1876 as Lutherans moved across the U.S. seeking farm land, business opportunities and religious freedom.  The Church building sets upon her 3rd location. The original location includes the church cemetery and is maintained by the congregation to this day.



Salvation to the world and received by faith in the believer is a complete gift of God through the
working of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments without any decision or merit on our part.




Faith apprehends, receives, believes and trusts.  It has an object, namely Jesus the Christ.
Faith does no work of its own, but firmly relies on the Work of another, Jesus.



We hold all the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures to be the verbally inspired and inerrant Word
of God and the only source and norm of Christian doctrine.  That said, we also believe that the
Book of Concord of 1580 is a clear and truthful exposition of Holy Scripture both then and now.


Jesus Christ is the Scripturally testified, Promised One from the beginning.  He is the Son of the
Living God who as true man and true God born of the Virgin Mary who from the people of Israel descended from kings, the occasional
foreigner, husbands and wives of background both noble and ignoble.  He lived, died and rose from the grace in our place that we might
and wives of background both noble and ignoble.  He lived, died and rose from the grave in our place that we might be called, follow, led
and even dragged kicking and screaming to life eternal through faith in Him alone.

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